The City of Guyton is soliciting the professional services of a consultant with proven experience to prepare a major comprehensive plan pursuant to the Rules of the Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA), Chapter 110-12-1, Standards and Procedures for Local Comprehensive Planning,” Local Planning Requirements.”
The selected firm will prepare a plan which meets or exceeds the required elements. The purpose of the update/study is to undertake a comprehensive and inclusive examination of the City of Guyton as it currently exists and to then develop a plan that ensures its continued growth. Changes in over the years have highlighted the need to establish a new vision for the City of Guyton and Guyton Downtown. By recognizing existing challenges and building upon opportunities, the Plans are intended to serve as a guide for positive change that benefits the immediate area, Guyton residents, businesses, and the citizenry of Effingham County.
1. Title Page - List the RFP subject, the name of the firm, address, telephone number, name of contact person and the date.
2. Cover Letter - Cover letter indicating interest in the project and identifying the firm's ability to provide services needed. Make a positive commitment to perform the required work within the time.
3. Scope of Work - In the project overview, describe the general project approach and process to be employed, describe a process approach that was used in the past to successfully complete a similar project, describe the proposed project schedule including timeline of major milestones, deliverables, and completion.
4. Qualifications
a) Name, address, and telephone number of the firm’s owners, and full information about the submitting firm.
b) Names and qualifications of personnel to be assigned to the project.
c) Description of similar project experience and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of owners for all projects described.
d) Resumes of principal associates and key personnel proposed to have primary responsibility for the project.
e) Firm's experience, background, staff capabilities, and examples of work, where your work will take place, and why the city should hire your firm.
5. Time Flow Chart and Fee Schedule - Timeframe Flow Chart: Submit a flow chart with estimated project time frame for meeting key deliverables.
6. Fee Schedule - MUST BE IN SEPARATE SEALED ENVELOPE: Submit cost estimates for Comprehensive Plan Deliverables. The Proposal shall include a lump sum fee as well as a detailed budget. The budget must include an hourly rate schedule and estimated number of hours to be performed by each staff member assigned to the project. If any work is to be subcontracted, the Proposal should reference the specific areas and costs. Any reimbursable expenses must be clearly indicated, and an estimate provided. For budgeting purposes, a fee schedule shall be provided that includes an anticipated start date.
All proposals received by the City of Guyton will be reviewed to determine whether they are responsive to the requisites of the RFP. Proposals which are determined to be non-responsive will be rejected. The comprehensive plan steering committee will review the proposals based on the criteria outlined below.
The City of Guyton reserves the right to require oral presentations and conduct interviews with those proposers whose proposals are deemed to be viable. If a proposer is requested to give an oral presentation, it may be advised in advance of the aspects of its proposal which need to be supported, demonstrated, or clarified. The presentation will include time for questions regarding the proposal. The date, time and location of the oral presentation will be announced later.
Although discussions may be conducted with proposers submitting acceptable proposals, City of Guyton reserves the right to award contracts on the basis on initial proposals received, without discussions; therefore, the proposer’s initial proposal should contain its best technical and price terms.
The committee will develop a list of firms in order of preference of the firms considered most highly qualified to perform the services that will be submitted to the City of Guyton.
The City of Guyton reserves the right to reject any submittal and to waive minor irregularities. The City may request additional information for qualifications and retains the right to select a consultant within our budget or reject all consultants.
Consultant order will be based on the following criteria (100 points maximum):
1. Project Understanding, original approach and familiarity with innovative comprehensive planning concepts (35 points)
2. Capabilities and previous experience in comparable projects and specialized experience and technical competence of the consultant (25 points)
3. Demonstrated ability to utilize public engagement in development of plans (15 points)
4. Personnel assigned to the project demonstrating the consultant’s capacity to complete the requested service on time and within budget (15 points)
5. Logistics and familiarity with the project area (10 points)
Proposals must be returned in a sealed container marked on the outside with the Request for Proposal number and Company Name. Proposals will be received until 3:00 P.M. local time on JUNE 17, 2022, at Guyton City Hall, 310 Central Boulevard, Guyton, Georgia, 31312.
Questions regarding this RFP should be directed to Ms. Meketa Brown at 912-772-3353 or via email to [email protected]. All
Qualification Statements and Proposals should be submitted to the following:
Physical Address: 2030 Comprehensive Plan Proposal
Attn: Mrs. Meketa Brown, City Manager
310 Central Boulevard
Guyton, GA 31312
Mailing Address: 2030 Comprehensive Plan Proposal
Attn: Mrs. Meketa Brown, City Manager
P.O. Box 99
Guyton, GA 31312
All contracts are subject to Federal and State contract provisions prescribed by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs. This project is covered under the Section 3 requirements of the HUD Act of 1968. Proposals are legal and binding upon the bidder when submitted. One (1) unbound original, three (5) bound copies, and one (1) PDF Electronic Copy without FEE SCHEDULE should be submitted. The FEE SCHEDULE should be in a separate sealed envelope.